Sunday, April 8, 2007

Kusanagi Research Project - Launched !


Joey Danu and myself - that's Blue Bear - have officially launched the Kusanagi Research Project. (See previous posting).

We'll be trawling all sources - but mainly the net for the best of what martial arts has to offer reality self defense.

We're organizing it into four catories:

1. Bibliography: brief one=sentence description + URL.
2. Technique: description + URL.
3. Teacher/Thinker/Author: description + URL.
4. Training Method : Description + URL.

5. Attacks: a catalogue of security camera & other footage of street fights and attacks captured on film. This is a critical part of the research. We'll build a database (I'm hoping for at least 40- Joe, maybe even 100), and try to synthesize what the most common attacks are.

Of course, we could just ask a preman. We'll probably do that too. Eventually. But the database will help us know for sure. Joey will bring the recordings to the Dojo, where we'll reconstruct the attack and give everyone a chance to defend themselves using what they've learned.

Currently, only Joey and myself - that's Blue Bear - are registered.

But everyone is welcome: just send Joey an e-mail, or leave a comment on this blog asking to be listed as a collaborator. We'll sign you right up.

So for now, one of our next priorities will be finding another place to train during the week. A kind man is thinking about buying training mats. (Informed sources say he is covered in blue fur). Suggestions are welcome, anyone.

But once a week at Cempaka Putih is just not enough. YAI is useful and Sensei Ben's teaching is superb, but we can't really practice randori - standing or groundwork, without mats.

That's all for now.

Salam Budo and Merdeka !

Blue Bear.

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