Sunday, February 17, 2008

Kusanagi Video I-seng

Video I-seng

Home training documentation February 11th 2008
Techniques: Defense against jab and free practice


Anonymous said...

Couldn't you have done this to "Begadang" by Rhoma Irama or another dangdut song ?

Anonymous said...

I'm also very disappointed you dishonoured club protocol by not uttering the traditional "hup" before each technique. ; p

Anonymous said...

Joe i had url of carl cestari and

Fairbairn H2H

Anonymous said...

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beladirikita said...

wah, komentar di sini harus pakai bahasa Inggris ya? Sorry, Inggris saya kurang nih, Bhs Indonesia aja biar familiar.
Saya cuma mau ngucap thanks buat Abu Majnun bin Abu Yahya Al Aryani yg ternyata menjadi the first visitor atas blog saya yg usia online-nya belum sebulan.
Saya lihat blog Anda bagus, video tutorial-nya oke. Saya juga rencana mau bikin seperti itu tp msh rencana, krn msh konsen membenahi tampilan blog.
Lain waktu jalan-jalan ke blog saya, biar kita bisa sharing. Kalau mau copy artikel saya silakan saja, asal tak lupa cantumkan penulisnya ya.
Kayaknya frame kita sama dlm beladiri, universal martial arts, memandang seni beladiri secara umum tdk monoton pd satu aliran yg kita geluti.
Sukses dg blog Anda, dojo Anda dan kehidupan Anda.

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Anonymous said...

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