Sunday, March 18, 2007

Launching Beruang Merah Blog

Salam Budo!!
March 19, 2007

The beruang merah blog is up and running! but hold on!! Just what the heck is beruang merah? Well for starters we are a group of martial artists under Goshin Budo Indonesia Jujutsu Organization directed by Sensei Ben Haryo, dedicated in training and research of reality based self protection hand-to-hand techniques.

We are currently based in Cempaka Putih Dojo Jakarta, and our classes are open for all on Saturday's from 9:00 am - 13:30 pm. Whether you are a beginner or advanced student our classes are aimed to develop and practice practical self defense and self protection techniques based on empirical data collected from real life videos (CCTV, amateur video recordings) and document statistics from the LAPD, FBI and other crime studies.

Train Hard, train smart and stay safe!



Sumo Semar said...


Still not sure how to post comments to the main Blog.

We should use this as a diary and set of notes to focus our training.

We need to calibrate our research projects.

Right now we're working on:

1. Cempaka Putih Syllabus
2. Kusanagi Reality-Based Self Defense Syllabus.

1. Cempaka Putih

CP is about the grappling, ju, and aiki-arts. It's about judo, sambo, ju-jitsu & aiki-jujitsu, as well as wrestling, and some Silat Betawi thrown in as well.

It's unified by a flowing, yielding & circular response to attacks, intelligent use of force - ie leverage, and attacking enemies' weak points.

CP is experimental, but it's still martial arts, designed at making us better martial artists.

2. Kusanagi is something else. It's reality self-defense.

Blue Bear

Sumo Semar said...

Dear Friend,

We are to be also make many sure of the Fres One.

Sumo Semar said...

We also need to sort out:

* Equipment, focus mits, hanging bag, balance beam + balance workouts on the swiss balls. Plus, working out a cheap way of making a free-standing hitting target.

* Sparring gear: body armour with pads.