Saturday, September 8, 2007

Rugby Imitates Judo or Judo Imitates Rugby ?

No question here: definitely not Budo. The US executes two varieties of Morote Gari against the UK in a World Cup Rugby match on (09/08). The Japanese used to disparagingly called Morote a "tackle," which it basically is. The slur didn't stop the Russians making "pick-ups," including Sukui Nage and Kata Guruma , their signature weapons in a 1960s bid to conquer competition Judo. If it works, Da, Comrade ! Call it vengeance for the Russian defeat in a war with Japan in 1904-05, or even just another round in the millenia-long Rugby match between Russia and its Eastern neighbors. (By the way, I'm going to have to stop italicizing foreign names).

1 comment:

DasaMan said...

Nothing to decide here, Judo imitates rugby. Note that morote-gari is a late addition to Judo technical syllabus.

Probably from being morote-gari'ed to death by those catchwrestlers...