Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Armed "Preman" = Hopeless Martial Arts Training?

Salam Budo! Last Saturday April 29th Pak Lili came over our dojo to share with us several techniques and insights regarding knife fighting, street gangs and street fights. Being a former street fighter himself, Pak Lili is now reformed and a priest, during his youth Pak Lili was involved in many real fights that were not 3 minute rounds tournaments but actual life & death encounters which was decided in close-up lethal skirmishes within 10 seconds. A careful look at hims arms and one can't help notice the scars in what he humbly shares as "old, reckless, youth memories". During our two hour session Pak Lili sat us down to highlight several interesting facts in regards to preman, street fighting and knife realities:

Knife techniques are relatively easier to learn than empty-hand techniques due to the fact that most of the knife techniques aren't flashy three or four moves rather than simple one-two counter or combos which easily result in serious injury and in most cases death.

Due to its nature, speed, power and its area of impact, knife techniques WILL slow down any opponent regardless of size, and in the right spot a single "stab" or "cut" is sufficient to "shock" or kill an opponent. Multiple stabbings add to the overkill

Unarmed knife defenses are STRICTLY "last resort" (case study: Thomas Autry Ex Marine story) and anyone faced with a knife attack must accept the fact that you WILL sustain injuries. Improvised weapons with a longer reach or strategically placing obstacles to nullify the sharp weapons reach is highly recommended along with aggression and the WILL to WIN & SURVIVE

The general "preman" or street criminals are not trained as "knife fighters" or "street fighters" the standard operating procedure is wolf pack mentality, substance abuse which impairs judgement, rational logic and emotional attachment to victims.
"Knife fighters" that do know how to "dance" generally do come from "traditional" martial art systems predominantly from silat, although cultural influence usually dictate the weapon of choice, style and technique of fighting (killing).

Lesson learned:

Train your knife defenses to be "dynamic" and train yourself to learn responses which can be universally adapted regardless of the attack

Experiment with going to the ground and actively using your legs to block and sweep the attacker of his/her feet

Experiment with using longer range impact weapons to defend yourself. Umbrella, cane, stick etc.

Understand that "taps" to disarm the weapon away from the opponent MAY NOT work! If he or she is hell bent on actually killing you, the person will "instinctively" hold on to his/her weapon as hard as the person can

Understand that FEAR is NORMAL, but learn to control your fear by submerging yourself into these scenarios. The absence of such training will result that in a stressful situation your brain will fail to search for "a set of moves, reaction and response" critical to self protection

High levels of stress during either high-risk phsyical or weapon altercations will significantly affect your "motor" movements, in Marc Young's word... if it doesn't work now it's not going to work later!

Strength and Honor


Sumo Semar said...


Very nice post. (But I think you mean Pak Lili is now reformed and a priest -- not a 'reformed priest'. :-))

The Post raises key issues:

- Are we wasting our time learning martial arts ?

- If so, then what are we training for ?

Short answer: health and kicks. The biggest threat to us all is neither a skinny, but knife-wielding thug, or a homicidal maniac, but stress and the 'diseases of civilization'. Sloth, diabetes, heart disease are all on the rise in Asian cities. They're certainly a threat to our families. Martial arts, especially the exhausting variety at Cempaka Putih helps keep these enemies at bay.

Throw in a few health-prolonging Okinawan Kata for Ki and you just might add a year or two as well, or improve the allotment of time you have.

The second reason is that we just get our kicks this way. :-)

But generally, let's always, always remember:

* Knife-fighting takes much, much less time to learn. Stick a knife in the hands of an untrained man (or waria) and he's already deadly.

* It's very hard to win against a person with a knife if you're unarmed.

* If you do have a knife, you'll still almost certainly get cut.

Morals of the story:

- Avoid knife-fights at all costs. Use the Ben Sensei principle of 'having your opponent strike empty space.'

- If you can't avoid one, get a weapon: chair, belt, rocks, pool cue, -- anything to increase the distance with the attacker.

Salam Budo and Merdeka !

DasaMan said...

Mmm... going to the ground and using your legs to block and sweep the knife-wielding attacker? Isn't that soo... Attack Proof-ey?